The unassuming pocket watch has a surprisingly rich history dating back to 15th century Italy, where it was better known as a "pocket clock" and was the most popular choice for a personal time-piece up until World War 1. These days the wrist watch and the mobile phone have replaced these classic fashion show pieces.
Each fully working, battery powered, clock mechanism is encased in a brass or copper alloy with an antique finish. Whether you like the modern steampunk style or simply have a respect for the train conductors and ship navigators of yesteryear, there is bound to be a pocket watch to suit. They also make extremely popular gift choices for either corporate or personal occasions.
Uncommon, Unique and Priceless gift for Father's Day, Mother's Day and Christmas.
Each fully working, battery powered, clock mechanism is encased in a brass or copper alloy with an antique finish. Whether you like the modern steampunk style or simply have a respect for the train conductors and ship navigators of yesteryear, there is bound to be a pocket watch to suit. They also make extremely popular gift choices for either corporate or personal occasions.
Uncommon, Unique and Priceless gift for Father's Day, Mother's Day and Christmas.